
How to Minimize Your Fibromyalgia Pain


How to Minimize Your Fibromyalgia Pain

Chronic fibromyalgia pain can disrupt your life without a system to manage your symptoms. These lifestyle changes can help you feel your best. Read on to learn more.

Fibromyalgia is a painful “hidden” disease. It’s “hidden” because it’s difficult to diagnose and not apparent to the outside eye. However, it’s a very real illness. Besides the underlying muscle pain, other symptoms include fatigue, trouble concentrating, and sleep problems. 

If you have fibromyalgia, you can create a lifestyle to minimize fibromyalgia pain. Part of that lifestyle is a proper diagnosis. At Spine & Pain Specialists of the Carolinas, Dr. Kumar offers evaluations and pain management options for reducing your fibromyalgia pain

4 tips for minimizing fibromyalgia pain 

Fibromyalgia creates pain throughout your body that ebbs and flows. While figuring out what works for you can be a learning curve, these healthy living habits can help reduce fibromyalgia pain. 

1- Medical evaluation 

It’s important to have medical support. Dr. Kumar can evaluate and diagnose fibromyalgia through a series of diagnostic tests. Once confirmed, he will work with you on a pain management treatment plan. He may suggest physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or occupational therapy. 

2- Stress relief 

Stress can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms, so it’s essential to find ways to manage yours. Managing stress starts with eating nutritious foods, getting adequate exercise, and getting quality sleep. Create a schedule that supports these basic tenets of healthy living. If you can add breathwork or meditation, that’s a bonus. 

Breathwork and meditation can reduce anxiety and positively redirect your thoughts.

3- Get emotional support 

Whether you join a support group for people with fibromyalgia, get a therapist, or both, you need emotional support. Fibromyalgia is a complex disease without a cure. Research shows peer support can help you feel a sense of community with others who also experience this painful condition. Knowing you’re not alone is an emotional boost, plus you can learn good coping tips from others. 

4- Self-care 

Managing chronic pain drains you. It’s important to do things you enjoy. Whether it's reading, gardening, painting, or other quiet activities, take time for yourself. 

Who’s at risk? 

It’s not clear why some people develop fibromyalgia. It could be related to genetics. There is evidence it could be trauma-induced. We do know your risk factors include having arthritis, lupus, or being a woman.

The more you can simplify your life and create a supportive environment for yourself, the better you can manage this chronic illness. 

At Spine & Pain Specialists of the Carolinas in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Kumar can help minimize your fibromyalgia pain. You can schedule your appointment online through our website.